Wellness Practitioner

The Impact of a Wellness Lifestyle Certification Program

Astounding and supported by leading medical journals, lifestyle choices represent the single-greatest impact upon prevention and recovery from chronic illness. Outside of acute trauma, lifestyle is the single-most common cause of need for chiropractic treatment for afflictions such as chronic headache, neck pain and back pain.

A Certified Chiropractic Wellness Practitioner (CCWP) is trained to address the specific issues as related to both symptoms as well as the root causes as generated by lifestyle.

Individual Health Assessments

Wellness Lifestyle Programs are designed to address a broad range of needs regarding the fundamental health of individuals. Our unique Health Risk Assessment (HRA) tool is a results-study-based analysis that incorporates a multiplicity of factors, including:

  •  nutrition,
  •  stress,
  •  body activity, and,
  •  psycho-social elements.

The assessment serves as a powerful plan of treatment and an ongoing measure of your progress.

Client Reviews